Monday, August 15, 2011

Bert and Ernie: Not Gay, now knock it off

Bert and Ernie: Not Gay, now knock it off
This notion of making two of the Sesame Street characters gay has been going on for years now.  Back in my younger days, I didn’t realize there was controversy over two Muppets living together.  Now, there is this movement within the gay community to make these two Muppets, Bert and Ernie, gay. 
Just because there are two men living together for 30-plus years doesn’t make them gay.  And, I understand that the gay community wanting a representation for themselves.  But, leave Bret and Ernie out of this. 
From ABS, (("We have started a petition to Sesame Street and PBS Kids asking them to allow Bert and Ernie to get married on the show. If done tastefully, this would greatly help put an end to the bullying and suicides of LGBT youth. Sesame Street should recognize that there are LGBT relationships, families, and include them in their show," the page read. ))
Can't PBS simply create two new characters and marry them off? Bert and Ernie are a strange take on the Odd Couple because they never really get along, but teach children at the same time. Heck, I grew up watching them.  I was more of a Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch fan.  So I wanted to grow up and live in a garbage can and yell at people…big deal. 
If PBS says that the two of them are not gay, then that’s the end of it.  It is time to move on to more important things like conservatives trying to take away your rights to get married.  That seems like a more important issue than two Muppets getting married.  Remember, you have to focus on the vital issues of your movement.  
And, Sesame Street couldn't have said it better than this. From ABS, (("They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves," the public television program said.
"Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."))
Thank you,
Now, I do think Alpha 5 and Zordon do have something going on when the Power Rangers aren’t there.  Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!

 Zordon:  "Move a little closer, Alpha 5."

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