Monday, August 15, 2011

Muslims claim they are more moral than the west, when actually it is Islamics that are the most immoral in the world

2.5mn illegal abortions performed annually

Indonesia - At least 2.5mn abortions are performed annually in Indonesia, although the practice is illegal in the predominantly Muslim country, state-run media reported yesterday. “The figure does not yet include abortions effected with non-medical assistance,” Jurnalis Uddin, a professor at the Jakarta-based YARSI University was quoted as saying by Antara news agency. Uddin claimed that research conducted at medical facilities had led to the conclusion practice of illegal abortions needs to be given serious attention by the government and society. Research done by the World Health Organisation showed 20 to 60% of abortions in Indonesia were induced abortions and 50% of the cases were in urban areas, he added. In urban areas, 70% of the cases were conducted in stealth by medical practitioners, while in rural areas 84% of the cases were performed by shaman, Uddin said. Most of the women who had abortions were in the 20-29 age bracket, he said, adding that rape-induced pregnancy, detected genetic defect in the foetus and socioeconomic conditions were among the reasons given. – DPA Full Story>>

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2000:
Results: A total of 857,475 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC for 2000 from 49 reporting areas, representing a 0.5% decrease from the 861,789 legal induced abortions reported by 48 reporting areas for 1999 and a 1.3% decrease for the same 48 reporting areas that reported in 1999. The abortion ratio, defined as the number of abortions per 1,000 live births, was 246 in 2000 (for the same 48 reporting areas as 1999), compared with 256 reported for 1999. This represents a 3.8% decline in the abortion ratio. The abortion rate (for the same 48 reporting areas as 1999) was 16 per 1,000 women aged 15--44 years for 2000. This was also a 3.8% decrease from the rate reported for procedures performed during 1997--1999 for the same 48 reporting areas. Full Story>>

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