Monday, August 15, 2011

Scots Granny Killer Converts to Islam for Extra Privileges

Protected class: Brutal killer David Millar, who converted to Islam in jail to gain extra privileges after murdering frail 82 year-old pensioner Lucy-Marshall
UK - Alahu Akbar! Non-Muslim cons clamour to join Absurd Britannia’s élite new criminal class:  A brute who murdered a grandmother has converted to Islam behind bars – so he can avoid work. Evil David Millar – who stabbed frail 82-year-old Lucy Marshall to death – will skip his duties in the laundry because of his new faith. He will be excused from work on Fridays so he can attend prayers. And he’s told pals he’ll not have to do chores during the holy month of Ramadan. The 28-year-old will also receive special halal meals such as curries at Dumfries prison. One jail source said: “He works in the laundry but wants to use his new-found faith to get out of it. He’s told a few of his cronies he won’t have to work for the whole of Ramadan, which us basically like getting a month off his duties. “It’s so see-through.” Jail sources claim Millar – who was just 14 when he knifed Lucy in a Buckfast-fuelled frenzy in 1997 in Cowdenbeath, Fife – showed no previous interest in Islam before his conversion. But it’s believed the fitness fanatic thought a Muslim diet would aid his weight training. One guard said: “It came out of the blue.”But we’re duty-bound to help once a prisoner decides to become Muslim.” Millar – who was detained without limit of time – married behind bars after meeting wife Sheree Malik, 29, on an online dating website for cons. Full Story>>

Scots Granny Killer Converts to Islam for Extra Privileges

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